Artist Bio: Bob Harris (My Dad)

Oil Painting by My Dad  (on the left) With His Two Brothers. Ed and John
As a youngster, I always liked drawing. If I could get my hands on a scribbler or pad of paper, I was drawingpicturesof rocks, lakes and trees. Spending a lotof time with Dad in the bush. hunting, fishing and trapping. I grew up in awe of our surroundings. Over the years, because of where we grew up in and around Dorion, Ontario, we experienced a lot of epic scenery. Years later, after I retired home from working with Bell Canada. With a hammer, a saw and some wood on hand, I built  myself a standing floor easel! With many many more photos of those memorable scenes, I started oil painting. 

As the decades passed our walls, slowly filled with painting after painting. Each one becoming a window to each memory of childhood and beyond. Eventually as the walls filled, our closet did as well. With storage spaces limited, I was glad when my oldest daughter, Anita said she would help me do something with them. So we came up with this blank Note Card endeavour. 
Dad - Bob Harris- Artist
About 90% of my work was inspired by photos  taken from my photo collection. I hope that you enjoy the images as much as I did painting them. Thanks for stopping by.

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